
The genetics of divergence and reproductive isolation between ecotypes of Panicum hallii

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  • The process of plant speciation often involves the evolution of divergent ecotypes in response to differences in soil water availability between habitats. While the same set of traits is frequently associated with xeric/mesic ecotype divergence, it is unknown whether those traits evolve independently or if they evolve in tandem as a result of genetic colocalization either by pleiotropy or genetic linkage. The self-fertilizing C₄ grass species Panicum hallii includes two major ecotypes found in xeric (var. hallii) or mesic (var. filipes) habitats. We constructed the first linkage map for P. hallii by genotyping a reduced representation genomic library of an F₂ population derived from an intercross of var. hallii and filipes. We then evaluated the genetic architecture of divergence between these ecotypes through quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping. Overall, we mapped QTLs for nine morphological traits that are involved in the divergence between the ecotypes. QTLs for five key ecotype-differentiating traits all colocalized to the same region of linkage group five. Leaf physiological traits were less divergent between ecotypes, but we still mapped five physiological QTLs. We also discovered a two-locus Dobzhansky-Muller hybrid incompatibility. Our study suggests that ecotype-differentiating traits may evolve in tandem as a result of genetic colocalization.
  • Keywords: physiology, pleiotropy, adaptation, ecotype, quantitative trait locus (QTL), reproductive isolation, drought
  • Keywords: physiology, pleiotropy, adaptation, ecotype, quantitative trait locus (QTL), reproductive isolation, drought
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  • Lowry, D. B., Hernandez, K., Taylor, S. H., Meyer, E., Logan, T. L., Barry, K. W., Chapman, J. A., Rokhsar, D. S., Schmutz, J., & Juenger, T. E. (2015). The genetics of divergence and reproductive isolation between ecotypes of Panicum hallii. New Phytologist, 205(1), 402-414. doi:10.1111/nph.13027
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 205
Journal Issue/Number
  • 1
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • The University of Texas Freshman Research Initiative provided funding for training of undergraduate students that worked on this project. The National Science Foundation provided funding through a Plant Genome Research Program Award (IOS-0922457) to T.E.J. and a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology (DBI 1103668) to K.H. A United States Department of Agriculture NIFA-AFRI Postdoctoral Fellowship (2011-67012-30696) supported D.B.L. The work conducted by the US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute was supported by the Office of Science of the US Department of Energy under contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
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