
American pika in a low-elevation lava landscape: expanding the known distribution of a temperature-sensitive species

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  • In 2010, the American pika (Ochotona princeps fenisex) was denied federal protection based on limited evidence of persistence in low-elevation environments. Studies in nonalpine areas have been limited to relatively few environments, and it is unclear whether patterns observed elsewhere (e.g., Bodie, CA) represent other nonalpine habitats. This study was designed to establish pika presence in a new location, determine distribution within the surveyed area, and evaluate influences of elevation, vegetation, lava complexity, and distance to habitat edge on pika site occupancy. In 2011 and 2012, we conducted surveys for American pika on four distinct subalpine lava flows of Newberry National Volcanic Monument, Oregon, USA. Field surveys were conducted at predetermined locations within lava flows via silent observation and active searching for pika sign. Site habitat characteristics were included as predictors of occupancy in multinomial regression models. Above and belowground temperatures were recorded at a subsample of pika detection sites. Pika were detected in 26% (2011) and 19% (2012) of survey plots. Seventy-four pika were detected outside survey plot boundaries. Lava complexity was the strongest predictor of pika occurrence, where pika were up to seven times more likely to occur in the most complicated lava formations. Pika were two times more likely to occur with increasing elevation, although they were found at all elevations in the study area. This study expands the known distribution of the species and provides additional evidence for persistence in nonalpine habitats. Results partially support the predictive occupancy model developed for pika at Craters of the Moon National Monument, another lava environment. Characteristics of the lava environment clearly influence pika site occupancy, but habitat variables reported as important in other studies were inconclusive here. Further work is needed to gain a better understanding of the species’ current distribution and ability to persist under future climate conditions.
  • This is the publisher’s final pdf. The published article is copyrighted by the author(s) and published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The published article can be found at:
  • Keywords: occupancy, Ochotona princeps, Newberry National Volcanic Monument, American pika, climate adaptations, thermal maxima
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Date Issued
  • Shinderman, M. (2015). American pika in a low‐elevation lava landscape: expanding the known distribution of a temperature‐sensitive species. Ecology and Evolution, 5(17), 3666-3676. doi:10.1002/ece3.1626
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 5
Journal Issue/Number
  • 17
Rights Statement
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This study was funded by generous support from the OSU-Cascades Circle of Excellence. Publication of this article in an open access journal was funded by the Oregon State University Libraries & Press Open Access Fund.
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