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Fisheries Co-Management - An Institutional Innovation. Perspectives and Challenges Ahead

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  • Current fisheries management approaches based on centralised government intervention have proven inadequate to deal with the present management and cannot meet its objectives including reverting stock depletion, resolving user group conflicts, increase profitability and prevent social disruption. There is no easy solution to this problem. New institutions enabling fishing communities to deal with present pressures are needed. Fisheries management is however still largely government-driven although experiences worldwide show that various forms of partnership between government, industry and fishers strengthen management and produce results. Such partnerships have become known as co-management. During the last decade the co-management concept has gained increasing acceptance among governments, development agencies and researchers as an important aspect of future fisheries management systems. It has however at the same time become increasingly evident that the co-management concept is not clearly defined and means very different things to different people. A growing number of attempts to introduce variants of co-management systems have been studied and documented and there is now a considerable body of documented experience available. This will enable a more comprehensive understanding of co-management and to summarize the experiences with both the positive outcomes and the problems in actual implementation, which have been made in recent years. This paper addresses these issues and provides evidence from a recent worldwide study on fisheries co-management that have researched case studies of various implementations of co-management arrangements in coastal and freshwater fisheries in Asia and Southern Africa.
  • Keywords: governance, conflict resolution, Asia and Southern Africa, Future Paths for Rights Based Fisheries Management, fisheries management, co-management, Fisheries Economics
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  • Nielsen, Jesper Raakjær, Poul Degnbol, K. Kuperan Viswanathan, Mahfuzuddin Ahmed. 2002. Fisheries Co-Management - An Institutional Innovation. Perspectives and Challenges Ahead. Peer Review: No. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, August 19-22, 2002, Wellington, New Zealand: Fisheries in the Global Economy. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2002. CD ROM.
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