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Role of Traditional Small Scale Fisheries in Food Security and Livelihoods: Case of Lake Albert Fisher Communities, Uganda

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  • Uganda’s fisheries sub-sector is predominantly supported by traditional small-scale fisheries which plays a vital role in food security and livelihoods of at least 5.3 million Ugandans. Nonetheless, this role has not been adequately characterized and quantified. Here, we report part of the work undertaken between June 2010 and December 2013 among fisher communities of L. Albert. Using recommended survey tools, 350 fishers from 5 landing sites around the lake were interviewed purposively to probe their role in food security and livelihoods. Results indicated that 160,000MT of fish valued at US$ 800M was harvested annually and marketed locally and regionally. The study sites contributed 85.7% of the total catch valued at US$ 700.8 million while at household level, the average daily income was pitifully low US$ 26 although above the poverty line. About 90% of men and 87.6% of the women were involved in actual fishing and processing fish for various markets respectively. Comparable with other studies, 93.3% of the fishers were semi-illiterate, 21% had access to potable water and 32% observed acceptable levels of sanitation. Economically, regional traders accrued US$ 5,000 annual and only US$ 100 for processor. The per capita fish consumption at study sites was 4.4kg above the national current value. Generally, traditional small-scale fisheries contributed immensely to food security and livelihoods of other people but it was inadequately reflected among the fisher communities themselves.
  • Keywords: Fishing Sector Behavior & Activities, Fisheries Economics, Small Scale and Artisanal Fisheries
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  • Masette, Margaret, D. Bamwirire, E. Tinyiro, C. Kantono. 2014. Role of Traditional Small Scale Fisheries in Food Security and Livelihoods: Case of Lake Albert Fisher Communities, Uganda. In: Towards ecosystem based management of fisheries: what role can economics play?: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 7-11, 2014, Brisbane, Australia. Complied by Ann L. Shriver & Melissa Errend. Corvallis, OR: International Institute of Fisheries.
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  • Fisheries Research & Development Corporation, World Wildlife Fund, MG Kailis Group, AquaFish Innovation Lab, NOAA Fisheries, The European Association of Fisheries Economists, Japan International Fisheries Research Society, United Nations University, NORAD
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