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Generic Advertising for Fish: Results from a Research-based Campaign

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  • Before and after the 3-year generic advertising campaign for fresh fish in Denmark, representative consumer samples were surveyed with regard to their attitudes towards fresh fish, perceived family norms, availability of fresh fish in shops, meal preparation skills, intentions to buy fresh fish, and actual consumption frequencies. In the pre-campaign survey (effective N = 641), significant determinants of consumption frequency were availability in shops, meal preparation skills, and intentions to buy fresh fish. Consistent with the intended effects of the campaign, availability in shops and meal preparation skills lost their influence in the post-campaign survey (effective N = 523). Instead, family norms were the only direct as well as indirect (mediated by intention to buy) influences on consumption frequency. Mean levels of intention to buy and consumption frequency were significantly higher after the campaign.
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  • Grunert, K. and J. Scholderer. Generic Advertising for Fish: Results from a Research-based Campaign. In: Microbehavior and Macroresults:Proceedings of the Tenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute ofFisheries Economics and Trade, July 10-14, 2000, Corvallis, Oregon, USA.Compiled by Richard S. Johnston and Ann L. Shriver. InternationalInstitute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET), Corvallis, 2001.
Proceedings Editors
  • Johnston, Richard S.
  • Shriver, Ann L.
Rights Statement
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service MG Kailis Group
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