Conference Proceedings Or Journal

Management and Enforcement Costs in Norway's Fisheries

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  • This paper discusses public expenditures on fisheries in Norway. The purpose is to identify management and enforcement costs, management being defined as regulations necessary to overcome the open access problem. Management costs thus include costs of devising and enforcing fisheries regulations. They also include stock assessments and monitoring at sea, but do not include research with a more academic orientation, search and rescue operations, and various infrastructure such as fishing harbors. The figures cover the period 1990-1999. The management costs amount to 7-13 percent of the catch value, a variation which is primarily due to the variability of the annual catch value. Total expenditures on the fisheries sector have been much higher in the past; in 1990-91 subsidies were more than 20 percent of the catch value but were down to approximately two percent in 1996-99.
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Date Issued
  • Hannesson, R. Management and Enforcement Costs in Norway's Fisheries. In: Microbehavior and Macroresults: Proceedings of the Tenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 10-14, 2000, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. Compiled by Richard S. Johnston and Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET), Corvallis, 2001.
Conference Name
Conference Location
  • Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Proceedings Editors
  • Johnston, Richard S.
  • Shriver, Ann L.
Rights Statement
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • MG Kailis Group
  • International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade
  • U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service



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