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Managing the Transition to Sustainable and Responsible Fisheries- An Irish Case Study

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  • A Seafood Environmental Management Systems manual (SEMS) has been developed by Bord Iascaigh Mhara (The Irish Sea Fisheries Board) in conjunction with the Irish fishing industry to encourage fishermen to adopt an environmentally conscious, responsible and compliant approach to their business. The documented risk-based SEMS approach developed is essentially a “bottom-up approach” and enables fishermen to understand their operations and demonstrate they are responsible, while empowering the operator to communicate confidently and effectively. Experience has shown that this process has lead to fishermen realizing that by taking a responsible approach, they can positively influence the management process. This helps them to maintain access to the natural resource while also allowing them to engage in certification programmes that bring market rewards. This documented management system allows an operator undergo audit procedures in a constructive and easily achievable manner, such as MSC requirements within a fishery and also operator–based, regional standards. The success and sense of personal achievement gained through third party validation of fishermen’s efforts has resulted in a sustained and continuous growth on a journey that will ensure a long-term commitment by the catching sector to responsible practices. This paper highlights the approach to assist and empower the Irish catching sector embrace positive change, through adoption of an EMS approach which has proved to be an important tool for encouraging sustainable and responsible practices.
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  • Barrett, Catherine, Frank Fleming and Dominic Rihan. 2010. Managing the Transition to Sustainable and Responsible Fisheries- An Irish Case Study. 11 pages. In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, July 13-16, 2010, Montpellier, France: Economics of Fish Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems: Balancing Uses, Balancing Costs. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2010.
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  • US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Division, Agence Française de Développement, Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Ministère de L’Alimentation de L’Agriculture et de la Pêche, Ministère de l’Énergie, du Développement Durable et de la Mer, La Région Languedoc Rouslilon, Département Hérault, Montpellier Agglomèration, The Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, and AquaFish Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP).
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