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Responsible Wetland Fishing and Policy Options: An Economic Analysis

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  • Half of Bangladesh (50% of land surface) is wetland and wetland supplies most of the freshwater fisheries in Bangladesh. Tanguar Haor (haor means wetland with vast waterbodies) is a declared Ramsar site which posses one of the largest fishery stock in the country. However, there is no clear-cut guidance in using the vast resources this wetland posses. Government so far through some regulations tries to control the resources which has produced non-sustainable outcome. The attempt of the present paper is to see that what alternative measures can produce sustainable out come and the economic cost benefit associated with it. In the absence of any property rights over-fishing is taking place and the local power group who are non fisherman is depleting the resource at a unsustainable manner. The options open to manage this fishery resource are Command and Control Policies of the government (CAC) through some administrator, lease to private entrepreneur and use of Market Based Instrument (MBIs) to bring real fisherman in the picture. The available market based instrument are Tradable Permit, Grandfathering principle etc. The use of these instruments have the option of success as our analysis shows. The paper has done extensive calculation in comparing all the three options. In other words, it has accomplished an economic analysis of different policy options to find our a sustainable outcome of the resource.
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  • Rahman, Aminur. 2004. Responsible Wetland Fishing and Policy Options: An Economic Analysis. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, July 20-30, 2004, Tokyo, Japan: What are Responsible Fisheries? Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2004. CD ROM. ISBN 0-9763432-0-7
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