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The Round Table of Mexican Fisheries: Fisheries Governance Examples from Northwestern Mexico

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  • Fisheries management currently claims for fisheries governance (FG), a more balanced scheme that proposes to share the power among government, civil society and economics. In Mexico and other developing countries, the lack of operational regulations has delayed its implementation. Several authors state that topological analysis is useful to identify key stakeholders and their relations, thus it can be used to identify the generalized model of participation needed to achieve the FG. The aim of this study was to identify how the FG social structure is currently performing in sardine, blue crab, abalone and red lobster fisheries in NW Mexico. Based on interviews a topological stakeholder map was elaborated for each fishery; centrality measure was calculated and interpreted as power indicator. Social Network Analysis (SNA) showed that all stakeholders recognized by law are present (government, civil society, fishermen and researchers), although they play different social roles in each fishery. Structural and regular equivalences were identified for each fishery; the four systems showed that federal management agencies, and producer associations can be grouped in a main cluster with different companions according the fishery. Federal Agencies and producer associations were the key players in all the four fisheries state agencies, NGOs and research institutions were present with different weight in each system. The round table contains all the guests but some of them can play a more important role. We found this method is useful to identify key players and their interactions, key aspect to achieve FG as generalized scheme.
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  • NAAFE Forum 2017 Proceedings, March 22-24, 2017. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver with assistance from Stefani Evers. North American Association of Fisheries Economists (NAAFE), Corvallis, 2017.
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  • 097634324X



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