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Mowla 115 IIFET 2014.pdf

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  • In Bangladesh, women constitute about 50% of the population but comprise only one-fourth of the labor force. Considering women's critical roles in fisheries sector many projects in Bangladesh address both men and women as target groups putting more emphasis on women groups. One such project is "Emergency cyclone Recovery and restoration Project (ECRRP)" in the south and south-east coastal areas which has a wide ranging intervention to support Government of Bangladesh in facilitating recovery from the damage to livelihoods and infrastructure caused by previously occurred natural disasters. This paper analyzes the women's roles that they are already playing in the sector, how they benefit from this involvement and even how their participation is affected by socio cultural norms such as seclusion, segregation and the veiling of women in public etc. Tools used in the study include: Focus Group Discussions; Home visits; key informants; interviews and KAP survey. The project team has brought in some good progressive initiatives to achieve gender equality objectives; such as give selection of 19% women headed household in fish farming, select 25 men and women farmer for Farmer Field School (FFS) etc. As a conclusion, the paper proposes some measures for the improvement of women's contribution and status in this sector for example: integrating gender sensitive objective and indicators in sectoral level policies and program design and formulation.
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