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The fish and wildlife resources of the Umatilla Basin, Oregon, and their water requirements

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  • A report with recommendations to the Oregon State Water Resources Board.
  • Fish and wildlife resources of the Umatilla Basin, their present status, water requirements, limiting factors and values are reviewed in this report. Minimum and optimum stream flow recommendations are presented and field study methods are outlined. Flow recommendations for fish life were prepared primarily for the State Water Resources Board to use in updating its beneficial water use program for the basin. The Fish Commission of Oregon concurs with these recommendations. In addition, recommendations are made for recreational and esthetic uses of water not directly related to fish and wildlife water requirements. Initial field work conducted in 1962 resulted in a report by the same title. Additional work was carried out by Jim Lauman, Game Commission staff biologist, in 1970 using new techniques for stream flow study. Flow recommendations reflecting new field techniques and additional information requested by the State Water Resources Board are included in this report. The adjacent Columbia River section is not covered. Important contributions were made by Orgon State Game Commission biologists, Mike Golden, John Ely, Glen Ward and Dick Scherzinger.
  • Keywords: Fish passage, Water resources, Salmon, Umatilla River, Oregon, Fish and wildlife, Salmonids, Fish production
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  • Smith, Allan K. The fish and wildlife resources of the Umatilla Basin, Oregon, and their water requirements. Environmental Management Section, Oregon State Commission, Portland, Oregon, Revised February 1973.
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  • Federal Aid to Fish Restoration
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