Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

New male sterile mutant in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) : inheritance, genetic relationship to other mutants and sex types, and response to chemical and environmental factors

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  • A new male sterile (MS) mutant was found in 1988 in an inbred line of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in the greenhouse of Sunseeds Company. The mutant is characterized by normal corolla in both male and female flowers, normal fertility in the female, and absence of pollen in otherwise normal-appearing male flowers. The inheritance of this pollen sterile (PS) mutant was studied in F₂ segregates derived from crosses between PS and male fertile (MF) plants, and by mating PS plants with MF sib plants of the heterozygous genotype (PS ps). Chi-square tests indicated that the PS character controlled by a single recessive gene, assigned the tentative designation ps. Six reciprocal crosses made between heterozygous PS and heterozygous apetalous (Ap) type produced a total 370 fertile : 0 PS F₁ plants, indicating that there is no allelic relationship between PS and Ap. F₁ generations from each of gynoecious PS, and monoecious PS crossed with monoecious, gynoecious (silver ion treated) and hermaphroditic pollen parents had no PS plants. By variance analysis and contrasting the individual effects of three sex types, Gy, M and H, on PS, it was found that sex types do not significantly influence PS levels in F₂ families even though PS occurs in male flowers (a sexual character). It was not possible to effect changes in the expression of PS by application of cytokinin, indole acetic acid (IAA) or gibberellin (GA₃), and there were likewise no changes in response to temperature and fertilizer treatment. Unlike gynoecy, which is responsive to some external factors, PS is a stable characteristic. MS-1, a previously reported male sterile, was studied in different environments. It was found that MS-1 is heritable but significantly affected by environmental factors. The study indicated that MS-1 is a strong female sterile and semi-male sterile type. The male flower buds of MS-1 plants are able to open normally after the 10th to 15th node under greenhouse conditions. All staminate flower buds aborted in the field. The result of an allelism test indicated that MS-1 is not allelic to Ap.
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