Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Nature of inheritance and association of time, duration and rate of grain filling and subsequent grain yield in crosses of winter and spring wheats (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell)

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  • The nature of inheritance and possible associations for traits influencing earliness and grain yield were investigated using a four parent diallel of winter and spring wheat cultivars. More genetic variability was observed for the traits measured in segregating populations resulting from crosses between winter and spring type wheats in contrast to spring x spring or winter x winter crosses. The one exception was plant height where more genetic variability resulted from spring x spring crosses. Narrow sense heritability estimates were high for time and duration of heading, anthesis, grain filling and physiological maturity and for plant height. Smaller values were noted for rate of grain filling, kernel number, harvest index, tiller number, kernel weight, whole plant dry weight and grain yield. Estimates of the coefficient of heritability and the parent-offspring correlation coefficient were similar in magnitude except for the traits grain yield, tiller number, kernel weight and whole plant dry weight where large variations due to the environment were encountered. Using the Jinks-Hayman model, no maternal effects were noted nor were any nonallelic interactions observed for total duration of grain filling and lag period. The actual grain filling period was influenced to some degree by such interactions. The spring cultivars also appeared to have more dominant genes for longer total duration of grain filling and lag period. In contrast the winter parents had more dominant genes for the longer actual grain filling period. Estimates of general and specific combining ability provided similar evidence in terms of the nature of gene action. Both additive and nonadditive gene action was present for all traits, the relative magnitudes depending on the specific trait. Based on individual combining ability effects, the winter x spring cross Yamhill x Siete Cerros would appear to provide the highest proportion of desired segregates when combining earliness and acceptable grain yield. From the direct and indirect associations of grain yield, it would appear that a shorter duration of grain filling along with a shorter lag period from heading to anthesis are important for higher rates of grain filling if negative associations between earliness and grain yield are to be avoided.
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