Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Selected demographic variables as predictors of small group attendance or nonattendance among adult Conservative Baptists : a discriminant analysis

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  • Small groups are an important and widely used educational format in adult church education. It is estimated that ninety percent of the churches that belong to the Conservative Baptist Association of Oregon provide some type of small group eductional opportunity for their adult members. The purpose of this study was to explore the question, "Given certain demographic variables common to all adult Conservative Baptists, can some or all of these variables be used to accurately classify (predict) persons as either small group attenders or nonattenders?" A literature review established the fact that adult participation in small groups is a neglected topic within educational research in general. No research was found on adult participation in small groups within churches. A copy of the survey instrument was mailed to 396 randomly selected subject-participants. Data was sought on eight common demographic variables. A return rate of 76 per cent was achieved. Two-group linear discriminant analysis was the statistical technique utilitized to derive a discriminant function and the associated classification scores. While a significant discriminant function was obtained, the subsequent classification analysis failed to yield acceptable results. The percentage of participants in the cross-validation sample who were correctly classified was less than what could have been expected if the classification was based on nothing more than simple random assignment. These results did not support the notion that it was possible to predict small group attendance or nonattendance based on the demographic variables under investigation.
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