Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Residential water conservation and energy efficiency impacts through effective scheduling and opportunities for regional expansion : a case study of a gas tankless water heater with recirculation loop

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  • This study focused on the potential water and energy savings from implementing a revised schedule of a recirculation pump connected to a condensing gas tankless water heater located in a study home in Portland, Oregon. The existing recirculation pump activation schedule was studied for its impact on the overall water use and energy efficiency of the water heater. Utilizing the recirculation pump for water events was found to reduce overall water consumption by 14.84 times the consumption when not using the recirculation pump. The use of the recirculation pump was also found to reduce the energy efficiency of the water heater by 7.82%. Based on these findings, a revised schedule was developed for homeowner adoption. Regional expansion of this technology was examined through the development of a suitability index that highlighted building and homeowner characteristics likely to lead to technological adoption. This suitability index was applied to a map of the Portland metro area to identify suitability hotspots for energy policy applications on a larger scale. Results of the expanded analysis indicated that there are significant impacts to water consumption and energy efficiency with the adoption of this technology. Policy issues, including incentives for adoption, are discussed in broader context.
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