Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Blood calcium and phosphorus perturbations in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) : some correlates of physiological stress

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  • Changes in blood calcium and phosphorus concentrations were characterized for rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) following intense exercise or exposure to suspended volcanic ash or topsoil. Significant elevations in blood calcium and phosphorus accompanied exercise-induced acidemia in both S. qairdneri and O. kisutch. These elevations persisted for many hours post-exercise. Previous authors have identified bone mineral as the source of the excess calcium observed during exercise-induced hypercalcemia, but data presented herein indicates that phosphorus released into the bloodstream during exercise must have an additional, non-skeletal source. Exposure of juvenile O. kisutch to suspended Mt. St. Helens volcanic ash caused significant elevations in blood calcium and phosphorus only when fish so exposed were maintained under a regime of moderate exercise. No significant changes in blood calcium or phosphorus occurred following exposure of unexercised fish to suspended volcanic ash, nor were they elicited in exercised fish exposed to an identical level of suspended topsoil. The effects of exercise-induced hypercalcemia on the blood buffering capacity of S. gairdneri were also investigated. Results obtained in vitro suggest that dissolution products of bone hydroxyapatite may significantly diminish the in vivo blood buffering power of S. gairdneri, especially during exercise-induced acidosis.
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