Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Designing and creating the Oregon State age and disability simulation suit

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  • Over 54 million people report having disabilities in the United States. In addition, there are 40.3 million people 65 years and older living in America. As the population continues to live longer and problems with obesity continue to increase, the number of people with limited capabilities will escalate as well. There is a growing realization that disability arises not within the individual due to impairment, but rather in the services, environments, and products that do not take into account varied user capabilities. If people can be excluded by design, they can also be included and enabled by proper, attentive, user conscious design. Researchers at Oregon State University are researching customer need gathering techniques from both able-bodied and persons with physical disabilities in order to formulate a design methodology that will improve the universal design and production of inclusive products. In order to collect the quantity of data necessary for validation, an age and disability simulation suit was explored. The purpose of this project was to develop prototypes for the fingers, elbows, and shoulders that accurately simulate the upper extremity physical impairments of elderly individuals and persons with disabilities.
  • Keywords: disability simulation suit, age simulation suit, user conscious design, physical disabilities
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