Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Infection and immune response induced by Vibrio anguillarum in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)

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  • Immunity in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) was evaluated after immunization against vibriosis by parenteral, oral or immersion methods. Relative levels of immunity were determined by protection of fish from experimental water-borne challenges with Vibrio anguillarum and by serum agglutination titers. Coho salmon eggs were exposed to bacterin during artificial spawning or as embryos 4-5 days before hatching. Two of the six injected embryos had agglutination titers 218 days later, and as juveniles these two fish demonstrated an anamnestic response following intraperitoneal injection of bacteria. Fish that had selected portions of their body immersed in bacteria had high levels of protection and lower agglutination titers when compared to those completely submerged in the same preparation. Results showed that parenterally immunized fish had high titers and a high level of protection, those immersed in the bacterin had lower titers but a high level of protection and those orally immunized had no serum agglutinins and only moderate protection. Previously unimmunized fish were significantly protected when passively immunized with coho salmon anti-V. anguillarum immunoglobulin partially purified by gel filtration. The agglutination titer of the partially purified antibody was 1:4. Serum or spleen cells obtained from orally immunized fish conferred no protection to fish injected with these substances. Serum from parenterally immunized fish, however, conferred a high level of protection in passively immunized fish and spleen cells from these same donors also provided moderate protection to previously nonimmune recipients. Coho salmon radiolabeled tetrameric immunoglobulin purified by ion exchange and gel filtration was effectively absorbed in the blood after it was intraperitoneally injected. The kinetics of absorption were related to water temperature with less immunoglobulin absorbed at the lower temperatures. Effects of temperature on infection were examined at seven water temperatures in 3°C increments from 3 to 21°C. The mean day to death and total mortality were related to temperature and a shorter mean day to death and higher mortality was observed at increased temperatures. The effect of temperature on the time of onset of agglutinating antibody formation in parenterally immunized fish was studied in fish held at 6, 12 and 18°C. Titers were first observed on days 10, 15 and 25 in fish held at 18, 12 and 6°C, respectively. Growth curves of V. anguillarum cultured in Brain Heart Infusion broth were determined at the same three temperatures with growth rates directly related to temperature.
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