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  • We present velocity observations from a shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) on R/V Wecoma during cruise W0301b (19 January - 3 February 2003). The cruise was a component (Survey III) of the Coastal Ocean Advances in Shelf Transport (COAST) experiment. The ADCP was an RD Instruments hull-mounted 153-kHz narrowband unit. Data were collected nearly continuously using an ensemble averaging interval of 1 min and a vertical bin length of 8 m. This implies an inherent short-term random uncertainty of 2 cm/s for each data point; this uncertainty is reduced with additional space or time averaging. To reference the velocities to earth coordinates, we used P-code GPS navigation in combination with the ship’s gyrocompass. Bottom-tracking was enabled when the bottom depth was less than about 400 m. Our processing methods are generally standard ones, primarily making using of the CODAS software package as described at http://ilikai.soest.hawaii.edu/sadcp. Overall ADCP data quality for the cruise was excellent. To produce the vector maps here, we applied 5 km spatial averaging. For the sections, we contoured using a two-pass Barnes method with horizontal (vertical) smoothing of 5 km (24 m) and 2.5 km (12 m) for the first and second passes. An online version of this report is available at http://damp.coas.oregonstate.edu/coast/adcp. In addition, the complete data set and all processing details are available from the NODC Joint Archive for Shipboard ADCP: http://ilikai.soest.hawaii.edu/sadcp. A cruise narrative is included in the companion Seasoar data report at http://damp.coas.oregonstate.edu/coast/seasoar. This work was funded by National Science Foundation grant OCE-9907854.
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