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The alteration and restoration of Lint Slough

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  • CERM Poster 2009.
  • Lint Slough is a small “finger” of the Alsea River estuary located in Waldport, Oregon, which drains a 4.5 square mile basin. Infrastructure associated with a former fish research facility has recently been removed and the slough is being transformed back to its natural condition. In 1963 the Oregon Game Commission (now the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife) transformed Lint Slough into a salmon rearing research facility for coho, chinook, steelhead, and cutthroat trout. They dammed the upper and lower ends of the slough to create a ¾ mile long rearing pond. Lint Creek fed freshwater into the pond from upstream and the ocean fed saltwater into the pond via a levied canal built along the west side of the pond. Water control structures allowed researchers to regulate salinity in the pond. Researchers attempted to raise juvenile fish to the smolt phase at an accelerated rate and release the smolts into the ocean by autumn for the benefit of sport and commercial fishermen. Many challenges thwarted their efforts to raise fish in this facility. After ten years of largely unsuccessful experimentation, research ceased and the facility was abandoned. the salmon rearing research facility and restoring Lint Slough to its natural condition.
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  • Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Additional Information
  • This poster was the result of a student research project for the Fall 2009 FW 426/526, Coastal Ecology and Resource Management. It was presented December 9, 2009 at the Hatfield Marine Science Center.



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