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Designing a citizen involvement program : a guidebook for involving citizens in the resolution of environmental issues

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  • Designing A Citizen Involvement Program presents a model and supportive materials that can be used to design and implement a program for involving citizens in decision-making that concerns sig­nificant environmental issues. These actions might be large-scale construction projects, such as building a dam, an electric power plant, or a nuclear waste repository; they might be local develop­ment projects, such as constructing a new housing tract, recreational facilities, or a shopping center; or they might be actions associated with broad policy issues, such as developing a land-use plan or adopting variances to a zoning ordinance. The area affected by a proposed development project or gov­ernment policy is entirely dependent on the nature and scope of the action. The area of impact might be restricted to a neighborhood; it might involve an entire municipality; it might encompass several municipalities or a county; or it might extend. to a larger area, such as several counties, an entire state or parts of several states. In general, the model presented here is intended for use at the local community or county level, although it can be applied within any of the geographical or political areas mentioned above. The information contained in this guidebook should be useful to people engaged in most aspects of the citizen involvement process, including leaders of a government agency or a private corporation that proposes to initiate an action; go;vernment officials and com­munity leaders responsible for the political jurisdiction in which the action is being proposed; citizens who wish to better understand the proposed action and to influence the decision; members of the elected body that must make a decision about the proposal; and professionals who are asked to assist with and to coordinate the citizen involvement program. The basic purpose of the Citizen Involvement Program (CIP) Model described in this guide book is to encourage and facilitate greater citizen involvement in public decision-making.
  • Published February 1987. Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog:
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Scamax Scan+ V. on a Scanmax 412CD by InoTec inPDF format. LuraDocument PDF Compressor V. used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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