Technical Report

An evaluation of the use of coho salmon presmolts to supplement wild production in Oregon coastal streams

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  • We evaluated the effectiveness of using hatchery coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch presmolts to rebuild wild populations in Ore­gon coastal streams. Juvenile and adult popula­tions were monitored in 15 stocked and 15 unstacked streams from summer 1980 until summer 1985. During the summers following the planting of presmolts, the number of juve­niles per square meter of pool surface area was higher in the stocked streams than in the un­stacked streams. However, wild juveniles were significantly less abundant in the stocked streams during the 2 years when density of wild juveniles was estimated separately from hatch­ery juveniles. The estimated total ocean catch that resulted from the 14 million presmolts re­leased was 12,515 (1979-81 brood years). The total survival rate (total number of adults produced divided by the total number of presmolts released) was 0.15% for the same brood years. Adult returns to the stocked streams were not significantly different from adult returns to the unstacked streams, but returns tended to be ear­lier in the stocked streams than in the unstacked streams. Despite similar numbers of adults per kilometer in the stocked streams and unstacked streams in the years the presmolts returned to spawn, the resulting densities of juveniles in the stocked streams were significantly lower than the densities of juveniles in the unstacked streams. We concluded that the early time of spawning of the hatchery coho salmon was largely responsible for their failure to rebuild the populations in the streams stocked with presmolts.
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  • Mario Solazzi et al. June 1990. An Evaluation of the Use of Coho Salmon Presmolts to Supplement Wild Production in Oregon Coastal Streams. Corvallis, Or. : Oregon State University. 22 pp.
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  • File scanned on an Epson Perfection V500 PHOTO.



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