Honors College Thesis

The Effects of the Immunity Factor Relish on Aging Phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster

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  • Aging is a complex biological phenomenon that alters many different physiological processes. Although many age-related phenotypes, such as neurodegeneration, weakening circadian rhythms, and inflammaging, are well-studied, the links between them are not. To elucidate these links we created an inflammation-like state in Drosophila melanogaster by overexpressing Relish (Rel), an NFκB transcription factor in the Imd innate immunity pathway. Then we observed how aging parameters such as lifespan, locomotor activity rhythms, and neurodegeneration were affected. We found that systemic Rel overexpression causes significant lifespan shortening and increased neurodegeneration. By overexpressing Rel specifically the gut, fat body, head fat body, or neurons, we found that these tissues were not responsible for the lifespan shortening that was observed with systemic Rel overexpression. While increased Rel shortens lifespan and increase neurodegeneration, it has no detrimental effects on rhythms of locomotor activity. We conclude that age-related increase in Rel expression in wild-type flies may be linked with accelerated aging and that Rel overexpression could serve as possible model to study mechanisms of inflammaging in Drosophila. Further experiments are needed to understand why Rel overexpression causes lifespan shortening and neurodegeneration, especially to investigate the possible role of the glia and genes downstream of Rel. Key Words: aging, circadian rhythms, chronic inflammation, Drosophila melanogster, Relish, neurodegeneration, inflammaging, innate immunity
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  • URSA, DeLoach Work Scholarship, LIFE Scholars Program, and the Honors Experience Scholarship
Peer Reviewed



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