You should only need to directly run the functions and scripts described in the file "Figure_Generation.txt". This README file documents some lower level functions that were used to generate analysis data used in those functions. Fig_4_acoustic_paper.m - described in "Figure_Generation.txt". acoustic_fig_4.m - called by Fig_4_acoustic_paper.m. acoustic_fig_5.m - described in "Figure_Generation.txt". acoustic_fig_7.m - described in "Figure_Generation.txt". calib_oscilloscope.m - calibrate measurements acquired on the oscilloscope. colheader.m - read in and parse the column header description. countlines.m - count the number of lines in a file. fileheader.m - read in and parse the file header. fitted_line.m - draw a fitted line. get_spe_format.m - lookup the format for an oscilloscope file. kb_moore_1991.m - determine kb fit from Moore 1991 paper. kb_standard.m - determine kb fit for foam standard. low_freq_amplitude.m - described in "Figure_Generation.txt". mic_multiplier.m - Determine the ratio of the input voltage from the signal generator with the output voltage from the microphone. mic_timeseries_lab_lowf_1.m - lookup amplitude data for 1st grouping of data runs. mic_timeseries_lab_lowf_1b.m - lookup amplitude data for 2nd grouping of data runs. mic_timeseries_lab_lowf_phase_1.m - lookup phase shift for 1st grouping of data runs. read_mic.m - read data file generated by the oscilloscope. read_mic_timeseries_lab.m - driver to read data file generated by the oscilloscope. set_plot_attributes.m - set plot font size attributes. signal_freq_lab.m - foam type and frequency applied for 1st data group. signal_freq_lab_2.m - foam type and frequency applied for 2nd data group. signal_freq_lab_3.m - foam type and frequency applied for 3rd data group. sine_fit.m - fit a sine curve to frequency data. slope_intercept.m - determine slope and intercept of a line. strsplit.m - split a string. This third-party function was removed from the distribution because it is now available in MATLAB v2017a.