Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Phosphorus availability in biosolids-amended soils

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  • Quantifying labile phosphorus (P) pools in biosolids is needed to manage biosolids for both agronomic and environmental purposes. Phosphorus indices originated in an effort to protect surface water quality from-non-point-agricultural P inputs. The objectives of this research were to: (1) evaluate soil test components of the western Oregon P index in field and laboratory experiments; (2) evaluate soil test methods for assessing labile P; (3) determine the relative availability of fertilizer and biosolids P; and (4) evaluate the P sorption index [PSI; defined as the molar ratio of P/(Al+Fe)*100 as determined by acid ammonium oxalate extraction] as an indicator of water-soluble p in biosolids and as an indicator of labile P in soil following biosolids application. Soil samples were collected from 18 western Oregon field sites with a history of biosolids application and analyzed for labile P via oxalate extraction (Pₒₓ), anion exchange resin (AER) extraction, Bray 1 extraction, and dilute salt extraction (0.01 M CaC12). In comparison to untreated buffer areas, biosolids application at field sites increased mean Pₒₓ, AER-P, Bray P, and CaC1₂-P by 163, 151, 163 and 128%, respectively in the 0-5 cm depth. Thirty biosolids samples were collected from 22 municipal wastewater treatment facilities and analyzed by oxalate extraction, dilute salt extraction, and total acid digestion. At PSI values less than 65 to 85%, soluble P in biosolids was less than 175 mg kg⁻¹. At PSI values of 85 to 212%, soluble P ranged from 25 to 6065 mg kg⁻¹. Laboratory incubations used selected soils amended with selected biosolids at rates of 0, 300, 600 and 900 mg P per kg soil. Relative P availability for six biosolids sources, as measured by AER extraction, was 12 to 54% in comparison with P from triple superphosphate fertilizer and increased linearly with biosolids PSI values between 44 and 168% (r²=0.99, p<0.0001). Phosphorus indices must make use of some form of direct soil P measurement, and the western Oregon P index could be improved with separate weighting factors for biosolids and fertilizer P amendments. Biosolids PSI is a useful index for assessment of water-soluble P in biosolids and short-term P availability following biosolids addition to soil.
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