Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Vegetative propagation of the filbert (Corylus avellana L.) by means of budding and cuttings

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  • Several variations of budding and cutting propagation methods were tested for use with filberts. Both summer budding and chip budding attempts were generally unsuccessful. However, the results of employing measures to retard desiccation of buds and increase callusing rates indicate possibilities for future success. Numerous sheathing, wrapping and sealing materials for prevention of bud drying were tested. Budding on current season's wood was employed to obtain more rapid callusing. Tenting of nursery trees was another method tried for both reducing desiccation and increased callusing rate by raising temperature. Of the several root promoting treatments tested with semi-hardwood filbert cuttings, it was found that a quick-dip application of 2000 ppm indolebutyric acid gave the highest rooting percentage. When cuttings were rooted in a high humidity environment, bud survival was better than when they were allowed to root under an open mist system. Gibberellic acid₃, N6 benzyl adenine and silver nitrate were used as foliar treatments to cuttings during the rooting period but they did not consistently improve bud survival.
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