Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Benchmarked simulation of antineutrino source terms for light water reactors during normal operation and diversion scenarios

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  • Detection of reactor antineutrinos for non-proliferation applications has been researched extensively across the globe and is considered as a potential technology to remotely monitor reactor operations without any intrusions to reactor components. Reactor antineutrino detection experiments have been conducted in the past and have proven successful in detecting the changes in antineutrino source terms due to power level changes and to the changes due to fuel depletion within the core. However, the detector technology is still in its primitive stage to be successfully deployed for non-proliferation purposes. Simulation of reactor antineutrino signatures is vital to verify the experimental measurements. They also provide an insight into detector configurations required to monitor different reactor types and potential fuel diversion scenarios. In this thesis, the simulation of antineutrino signatures of light water reactors (LWRs) using industry standard reactor simulation tools, CASMO-4 and SIMULATE-3, is studied. Three different LWR reactors have been modeled and different diversion scenarios involving uranium di-oxide (UO₂) and mixed oxide (MOX) fuel have been simulated. The simulation results are also benchmarked with the antineutrino counts measured by the SONGS1 antineutrino detector that was used to monitor the operation of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), unit 2, cycle-13 during the period 2004-2005. A three-dimensional simulation of the reactor cores has been performed for improved accuracy of the detector response. Further, full core simulation allows reactor modeling without detailed information about the power histories of individual fuel assemblies, which was the case in previous research.
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