Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Level structure of ¹⁵²Gd populated in ¹⁵²Tb β decay

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  • As part of a research program to study the transitional region of N=88 isotones, ¹⁵²Tb was produced by the reaction ¹⁵¹Eu(α,3n)¹⁵²Tb in the 88" cyclotron located at LBNL. Gamma-ray spectroscopy of the radiation emitted from excited ¹⁵²Gd following the β⁺ decay of ¹⁵²Tb has been performed using an array of 20 germanium detectors. The large Q-value (3990 keV) of the ¹⁵²Tb 2⁻ decay allows for the population of many levels; study of coincidence and single events resulted in the establishment of 54 new levels and 266 new transitions. Angular correlation of the coincidences has determined spin and parity of many levels with several seen as key to the band structure, including two new 0⁺ levels. One new rotational band including the new 1475.2 keV 0⁺ level and the 1771.7 keV 2⁺ level is proposed. The overall band structure compared to collective excitation models demonstrates the position of ¹⁵²Gd in the transition from a spherical to deformed shape, also seen in other N=88 isotones. Monopole transition strength among bands indicates the possibility of mixing of both shapes among the excited states. The remarkable similarity of the band structure among these isotones is discussed.
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