Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Paleoclimatic changes revealed by soil carbonate, and stable carbon and oxygen isotopes, Eastern Korinthia, Greece

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  • Soil carbonate is used to interpret paleoenvironmental conditions in the Eastern Korinthia, Greece, with the use of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes. The Eastern Korinthia consists of a series of marine terraces ranging in age from ~600 to 70.2 ka. The lateral stratigraphic context of the marine terraces allows the author to examine climatic change over geologic time and shows a positive shift in ẟ¹³Cpc and ẟ¹⁸Opc signatures from light (ẟ¹³C -10.10%₀, ẟ¹⁸O -5.79%₀) to more positive values (ẟ¹³C -3.10%₀, ẟ¹⁸O -3.20%₀) from the oldest (VI) to youngest (I) terrace. Vertical stratigraphy of the Loutro Elenis profile, at the base of the Oneion Range, shows parallel trends toward increasingly more positive ẟ¹³Cpc and ẟ¹⁸Opc values from the base (ẟ¹³C -8.16%₀, ẟ¹⁸O -5.37%₀) to the top (ẟ¹³C -3.56%₀, ẟ¹⁸O -4.19) of the section. Paleosols within the Loutro Elenis profile and other soil profiles throughout the Korinthia demonstrate a cyclic ẟ¹³Cpc and ẟ¹⁸Opc pattern that is attributed to enrichment of heavy isotopes towards the soil surface as a result of invasion of atmospheric CO₂ and evaporation. The overall shift to more positive ẟ¹³Cpc and ẟ¹⁸Opc in the terrace sequence and the Loutro Elenis profile is attributed to increases in atmospheric CO₂ invasion, mean annual temperatures and evaporation.
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