Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The genesis of the San Vicente lead zinc rhythmite deposit, Peru : a petrologic, geochemical, and sulfur isotope study

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  • The San Vicente zinc lead deposit is located in the Eastern Andes of Central Peru. The deposit is an epigenetic Mississippi Valley-type deposit based on stratigraphic, geologic, petrographic, and geochemical evidence. The dolomite host rocks of the Pucara Group are of Triassic-Jurassic age. The source of metals are red sandstones of the Late Permian Mitu Group. Sulfate was reduced to hydrogen sulfide at temperatures above 200°C under acidic conditions in the lower parts of the sedimentary basin. The paragenetic sequence of the mineral assemblage indicates replacement of original sedimentary dolomite-I by sphalerite. Organic matter is well preserved in the primary dolomite-I and partially overgrown by sulfides. Precipitation of sphalerite began prior to the deposition of galena, but both minerals occur contemporaneously in the rhythmite bands. Pyrite occurs is a minor component and precipitated during the last stages of sulfide mineralization. Open spaces between the rhythmite bands were filled with white, sparry dolomite-II.
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