Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Extensions of the proportional hazards loglikelihood for censored survival data

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  • The semi-parametric approach to the analysis of proportional hazards survival data is relatively new, having been initiated in 1972 by Sir David Cox, who restricted its use to hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for fixed effects in a regression setting. Practitioners have begun to diversify applications of this model, constructing residuals, modeling the baseline hazard, estimating median failure time, and analyzing experiments with random effects and repeated measures. The main purpose of this thesis is to show that working with an incompletely specified loglikelihood is more fruitful than working with Cox's original partial loglikelihood, in these applications. In Chapter 2, we show that the deviance residuals arising naturally from the partial loglikelihood have difficulties detecting outliers. We demonstrate that a smoothed, nonparametric baseline hazard partially solves this problem. In Chapter 3, we derive new deviance residuals that are useful for identifying the shape of the baseline hazard. When these new residuals are plotted in temporal order, patterns in the residuals mirror patterns in the baseline hazard. In Chapter 4, we demonstrate how to analyze survival data having a split-plot design structure. Using a BLUP estimation algorithm, we produce hypothesis tests for fixed effects, and estimation procedures for the fixed effects and random effects.
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