Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The influence of support on divorce adjustment : an evaluation

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  • Many divorcing persons turn to treatment programs hoping for assistance in managing the process of divorce. Treatment programs include individual as well as group process models. One of the goals of most group process programs is to generate peer support which in turn is hoped to facilitate the process of divorce adjustment. Evaluations of such programs are few and limited. This study is an evaluation of a group process divorce adjustment intervention entitled, Divorce Recovery Workshop. This intervention includes education and support components. Two different methods of workshop delivery are compared and analyzed to determine the influence of support on the process of divorce adjustment. One method includes a small group component, the other does not. This workshop, offered during 1992/3, drew participants from the greater Salem, Oregon area who had recently divorced. This study examines four areas of divorce adjustment, comparing the two methods of workshop delivery, as well as participant experiences of support. These four included depression, degree of control, self-esteem, and persistence of attachment. Participants were administered pre-workshop and post-workshop questionnaires. Standardized measures included the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (Radloff, 1977), the Rosenberg Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) for assessing self-esteem, and the Acceptance of Marital Termination Scale (Thompson and Spanier, 1983). Nonstandardized measures included the Degree of Control After Divorce Scale, the Support List adapted from a social support measure (Bengtson and Mangen, 1988), the Support Scale adapted from a medical intervention peer support measure (Pratt, 1984), and a brief Satisfaction with Support Scale. This evaluation revealed positive outcomes for participants in the four areas of divorce adjustment regardless of method of program delivery. Participants also showed increased experiences of support attributable to the intervention. However, additional research is needed to establish the relationship between support and divorce adjustment. The lack of a control group should lead to caution to generalizing these results.
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