Technical Report

Oregon Data Integration: A perspective on information networking

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  • Demands for space in Oregon’s Territorial Sea and Outer Continental Shelf are increasing over time, putting pressure on existing ecological resources, uses, and users of this shared public resource. Data and information are critical to understanding the impacts of this “sea change.” Key ecological questions need to be answered to understand both the short- and long-term effects of implementing marine renewable energy facilities in an environment about which we know relatively little. Ocean management processes within the state, such as planning for ocean hydrokinetic energy projects and the establishment of marine reserves, require a wide variety of data and information to be used by agencies, scientists, communities, and stakeholder groups. Efforts to find, share, and manage needed data to evaluate these processes have demonstrated the need for Oregon to improve current data management and data sharing practices and capabilities. The emerging policy of the federal government to utilize marine spatial planning techniques to address marine management and policy at the regional and state levels reinforces the need for the State of Oregon to better structure its marine data and information sharing practices and to minimize duplication of effort. To address these concerns the Nearshore Research Task Force, a group of concerned stakeholders and agencies, convened and recommended (August 2010) the following actions: • Establish a framework community of data stewards for key marine data sets. • Specify metadata standards consistent with federal standards for all data acquired or used by the agencies and organizations responsible for ocean management in Oregon. • Maintain a data catalogue to track new datasets that are developed and clarify when datasets become obsolete. • Facilitate data interoperability by the adoption of cross-platform open standards. • Accommodate a variety of information including traditional geospatial (GIS) data; gridded data from ocean and coastal observing programs from satellites, radar, and models; point observation data from sensors such as current meters and wave buoys; and non-geographic informational data such as PDFs, reports, images, websites, and spreadsheets. To that end, the Oregon Coastal & Marine Data Network has recently (September 2012) been endorsed by the Oregon Geographic Information Council (OGIC) as a new Framework Implementation Team (FIT). As part of the endorsement process the network put forward the following mission statement: The mission of the Coastal-Marine FIT is to foster and support a community of producers and users of Oregon coastal and marine data to proactively address emerging data needs. The participants in this effort have been slowly working out a process to address some of the above issues, including working towards the establishment of a collection of network provider catalogs related to ocean and coastal data. Throughout their ongoing effort, the OCMDN has been tracking the data coordination work at the regional level by the West Coast Governor’s Alliance (WCGA) Regional Data Framework (RDF) Action Coordination Team (ACT). The community has members actively participating in both efforts, thereby ensuring that future efforts will enhance the connectivity and collaboration between state and regional data initiatives. The approach and goals of the RDF ACT and the OCMDN are consistent in that they recognize similar elements of an integrated framework for data discovery, dissemination, and distribution of effort. In this way the OCMDN is nested within the RDF effort and both networks will contribute and benefit from each other’s expertise, infrastructure, and access to resources.
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  • Lanier, A. 2012. Oregon Data Integration: A perspective on information networking. In: Boehlert, G., C. Braby, A. S. Bull, M. E. Helix, S. Henkel, P. Klarin, and D. Schroeder, eds. 2013. Oregon Marine Renewable Energy Environmental Science Conference Proceedings. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Cooperative Agreement with Oregon State University M12AC00012. OCS Report BOEM 2013-0113. 149 pp.
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  • U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Peer Reviewed



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