Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Genetic diversity and interactions in populations of plants and pathogens

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  • Two experiments involving interactions between wheat (Triticum aesitivium L.) cultivars and rust pathogens were investigated. One experiment evaluated the aggressiveness (measured by infection efficiency and latent period) of populations of Puccinia recondita Rob. when inoculated on the cultivar they were isolated from, their "own" cultivar, and when inoculated onto other cultivars. Statistically significant interactions between host and pathogen were found for latent period, but they were not the result of the pathogen being more aggressive on its "own" cultivar. Considerable variability in infection efficiency and latent period was found among pathogen populations inoculated on the same host, and among cultivars inoculated with the same pathogen population. The presence of such pathogen variability in the field could affect the efficiency with which we detect cultivars with different levels of resistance. In the second experiment quantitative genetic models were used to analyze field data of club wheat cultivars grown in all possible two-way combinations and in pure stands, to evaluate which cultivars performed best in mixtures. Combining ability analyses were performed on the grain yields for each mixture under disease-free conditions, and for grain yield and percent green leaf area when inoculated with Puccinia striiformis Westend.. The ability to perform in a mixture differed significantly among cultivars. There were also significant differences amongst the mixture performances. These differences were probably due in part to differences in height and disease resistance of the cultivars involved. However, not all of the differences can be explained by discrepancies in height or disease resistance.
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