Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The feeding value of yellow peas (Pisum sativum L. var. Miranda) for single comb white leghorn laying pullets

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  • Two experiments were conducted each with 768 Deka lb XL Single Comb White Leghorn (SCWL) laying pullets for nine and eight 28-day periods to evaluate the feeding value of yellow pea (YP) (Pisum sativum L. var. Miranda) without and with, respectively, either 1.5 or 5% meat and bone meal (MB) and 2% fish meal (FM) in Experiment 1, and 0.025% (125 mg/kg diet) choline chloride (CH), 0.05% (0.11 mg/kg diet) biotin (BN), 0.05% yeast culture (YC), 3.25% soybean oil (SO), and their combinations in Experiment 2. Each dietary treatment was replicated four times with 24 pullets per replicate. Assignment of treatments was done by lottery in a complete randomized block design with four replicates per treatment allocated in pairs of two at both sides of the house. The mean hen-day egg production, feed conversion (based on per dozen eggs and egg mass), daily feed consumption, body weight gain, internal egg quality, and egg mass were not affected (P > .05) by the various dietary treatments in either experiment. Low cumulative mortality was observed for pullets on all treatments for both experiments. Pullets fed the 60% YP diets in Experiment 2 produced more (P < .05) large size eggs (jumbo, extra large and large) and fewer (P < .05) smaller and medium eggs than pullets fed the 0, 15, 30 and 45% YP diets. Mean egg weight was markedly heavier for pullets fed 60% YP diets after they were 46 weeks of age (WOA). However, in both experiments after 38 weeks of age (WOA), thinner egg shells were observed in pullets fed the 60% YP diets when compared to the other dietary treatments. A marked decrease in yolk color was also observed with pullets fed the YP diets after 58 WOA. Supplementation of the 45% YP and CS diets with 2% FM and/or 1.5% or 5% MB meal and the supplementation of 3.25% SO, 0.05% YC, 0.025% CH, and 0.05% BN in the 60% YP diets did not affect the pullet performance. These results indicate that feeding up to 60% YP diets to SCWL laying pullets was not detrimental.
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