Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An Investigation of Views of Selected Physicians Regarding the Importance of Corporate Executive Fitness Programs

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  • Ninety-two physicians from six different medical specialty areas were participants in an opinion survey concerning corporate executive fitness. The survey was comprised of 21 statements related to such areas as fitness, nutrition, implementation of specific programs and cost effectiveness. Descriptive research methods were utilized to analyze results. Physicians surveyed were generally in agreement regarding the importance of corporate executive fitness. A high percentage agreed that executives were a valuable commodity and that corporations should do everything they can to protect their health. Most physicians agreed that obesity is a serious health problem. Planned exercise and diet control were considered to be the proper combination for combatting weight problems that could develop among executives. The implementation of stopsmoking seminars was also considered to be a necessary addition to fitness programs. Physicians were undecided as to whether i'oney spent to finance a corporate fitness program would be a small cost to pay for executive health. These opinions may reveal the lack of information relevant to this topic that was available to physicians. The incorporation of financial incentive Plans within fitness programs received the highest percentage of "disagreement" responses. Recommendations were then made to corporations for the establishment of successful executive fitness programs.
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