Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Verbal classroom interaction in elementary school mathematics classes in Saudi Arabia

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  • Currently there is a lack of documentation on the types of teaching methods being used to teach elementary mathematics in Saudi Arabia, To help meet this need, this research project studied the verbal behavior of Saudi Arabian elementary mathematics teachers. A two-fold problem was addressed. 1. To obtain a description of the verbal classroom interaction of the elementary mathematics classes of Saudi Arabia. 2. To compare the verbal behavior of mathematics teachers at the elementary level of Saudi Arabia with those of the United States of America. To meet the two-fld objectives of the study, The Flanders System of Interaction Analysis was used. The test group was made up of 20 Saudi Arabian elementary matnematics teachers. The control group was made up of 20 American elementary mathematics teachers. The data on the control group were taken from a study conducted by John Carline entitled "An Investigation of the Relationships Between Various Verbal Strategies of Teaching Behavior and Achievement of Elementary School Children." The data on the test group were gathered by observing each teacher as he taught three 45 minute mathematics classes. The Flanders system was used to classify the type of statements made by the teachers and their students. Computations were made which assigned each teacher a score for the number of direct and indirect statements made. The "T" test was used to check for significant differences between the types of statements made by the Saudi and American teachers. At the .01 level of significance, the Saudi teachers used more direct statements than did the American teachers, the American teachers expressed more indirect statements than did their Saudi counterparts, and the Saudi students initiated fewer unprompted comments. In sum, the null hypothesis, that there is no significant difference between the verbal behavior in Saudi Arabian elementary mathematics classrooms and the elementary mathematics classrooms of the United States of America, was rejected at the .01 level of significance.
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