Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The effect of an eight-week instructional program upon the balance performance of hearing-impaired children ages 6-12

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  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of an eight-week instructional program, using different activities and apparatus, upon the balance performance of hearing-impaired children, ages 6-12. Balance was measured by the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (Subtest 2: Balance) as a pre- and post-test to determine if any significant changes in balance performance occurred due to the eight-week instructional program. Thirty-four hearing-impaired students from the Oregon School for the Deaf (OSSD), Salem, Oregon served as subjects in this study. Seventeen students were randomly assigned in each of the experimental and control groups. Subjects in the experimental group were exposed to an eight-week balance program activities, while the control group participated in the OSSD physical education curriculum without any special emphasis on balance activities. The eight items which comprised the balance test of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency were administered to the subjects in the manner suggested in the test manual. A total communication system was utilized to insure that the students understood the test directions. One-way analysis of covariance was selected as the appropriate statistical tool to determine if any significant difference existed between experimental and control groups regarding the effect of an eight-week instructional program upon the acquisition and improvement of balance performance (static and dynamic). The pre-test served as the covariant and was used as the reference for comparison to the posttest. The results of this study indicated that an eight-week instructional balance program, using different activities and apparatus, increased the total balance performance among hearing-impaired children, ages 6-12. This research also established that the experimental group experienced a statistically significant increase over the control group in the dynamic balance in response to the prescribed balance program. In regard to static balance, the results showed no significant difference between the adjusted experimental and control group scores, over an eight-week period. On the basis of the findings of this study and within the limits of the investigation, the conclusion was made that the eight-week instructional balance program, as outlined in this study, increased the total balance performance among hearing-impaired children, ages 6-12.
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