Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A study of the effect of the rotor coil couplings of a synchronous machine on its predicted transient response

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  • The effect of the mutual inductances between the rotor coils of a synchronous machine on its defined reactances and predicted transients are investigated. Two linearized models of the machine are considered. One uses the Laplace-Transform approach, with minimum number of assumptions on the inter-coil couplings, in developing a model for the machine with short-circuited stator terminals. The other model is obtained by modifying the commonly used model and equivalent circuits given by Adkins (4). In the first model, the root-locus technique of classical control theory is used as a tool to investigate the effect of mutual inductances on the short-circuit eigenvalues of the general Park model. Transfer functions for the short-circuit stator and field current responses are derived in terms of the mutual inductances. Numerical examples are presented for two (solid rotor) turbogenerators and one (salient pole) hydrogenerator unit with dampers. In the second model, the effect of the rotor coil mutual inductances on the dynamic behavior of the synchronous machine are investigated for the machine connected to an infinite-bus via a transmission line. Small displacements around a fixed operating point are assumed in order to linearize the nonlinear model; and the state space approach is used for eigenvalue analysis and simulation of the model on a digital computer. A numerical example is given for a hydrogenerator unit. When the models studied were required to yield a fixed set of time constants and short-circuit reactances, it was noticed that the mutual couplings between the rotor coils did not affect the model eigenvalues. The rotor coil mutual couplings also hold no effect on the contribution of the eigenvalues to the short-circuit stator current components (i[subscript d], i[subscript q] ) when the field excitation voltage was fixed. On the other hand, the rotor currents were significantly affected by the mutual couplings between the rotor coils, and their effect should be included in any detailed investigation of synchronous machine.
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