Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Design of a waterjet system for excavation of commercial crab pots buried in ocean sediment

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  • The design of a more efficient waterjet system for excavation of commercial crab pots buried in ocean sediment was undertaken. The work resulted in the design of an improved nozzle with performance that was shown to be significantly better than that of previously used nozzles. Greater sand penetration and excavation range was obtained. Future use should result in increased pot retrieval thereby reducing costs and conserving equipment of commercial crab fishermen. The design process involved jet analysis and experimentation to generate data relating the various parameters involved in nozzle design and evaluation. The parameter relations consisted of jet size, velocity, and sand penetration and pump system characteristics. They were used in a design method resulting in several proposed nozzle designs that underwent further testing. Such testing produced nozzle improvements and the final nozzle design. Nozzle design, construction, and materials were primarily chosen to meet the performance and durability requirements. However ease of fabrication by commercial fishermen was also of importance and entered into design considerations. Fabrication requires the availability of a simple welding shop and metal lathe. Cost of the nozzle is approximately $150, the equivalent of three complete commercial crab pots which cost $50 each and which might otherwise be lost.
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