Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Comparative values of corn and corn cannery waste silages for milk production in dairy cattle

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  • The production level of dairy cows fed corn cannery waste silage was investigated during a 305 day lactation study. Eighteen Holstein cows were paired according to their probable producing ability and field corn silage was fed to the control pairmates, Forage analyses (DM, CP, CF, and nitrates) were determined on the silages and hay. Grain was fed according to production, silage was fed ad libitum and ten lbs. of alfalfa hay was fed daily and all refusals were recorded. Those fed corn cannery waste silage produced less milk, fat and solids-not-fat (P>. 05) than the controls. Persistency of lactation was less for the corn cannery waste fed cows (285 day lactations) compared to controls (304 day lactations). Fat corrected milk production averaged 15717 lbs of milk for the corn cannery waste fed cows compared to 17137 lbs for the cows fed field corn silage. Body weight gains were greater for the cows fed field corn silage. There were no noticeable differences in health and reproduction between pairmates. Returns over feed costs were determined using local prices of $4.75/ton for corn cannery waste and $10. 00/ton of corn silage. The corn cannery waste silage fed cows were $27. 00/head less profitable even though they were fed the cheaper ration.
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