Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Present and emerging agricultural occupations in Yamhill county

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  • Modern technology has advanced to such a high degree that education now stands between all men and all work. What it means in specific occupational possibilities and opportunities is the area of this research. The farmer has made tremendous strides in production and is supported by a large group of people who service, process, and distribute the products of the farm. Today there are more jobs in off-farm agricultural occupations than there are on the farm. The purpose of this study is to identify the off-farm agricultural occupations in Yamhill County. Information for this study was obtained by mailed questionnaire and by personal interviews with persons that were qualified to supply the desired information about the business and the employees. The firms surveyed in Yamhill County indicated that a large number of employees needed an agricultural background. Most of the off -farm agricultural occupations are in the technical categories and no additional opportunities exist in the next five years for the unskilled level. The greatest number of the off -farm agricultural jobs require a high school education. Over one-half of the employers show some interest in working with the high schools to establish work experience programs for students. A general knowledge of agriculture and rural life is the most needed competency required for off-farm agricultural workers. Based on the findings of this study production agriculture should continue to be the core of instruction for vocational agriculture. Current programs should be enriched and extended to serve off-farm agriculture occupations. The Future Farmers of America organization should continue to be a strong and integral part of the vocational agriculture program.
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