Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The irradiation resistance of food pathogens contaminating seafoods

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  • Studies have been made to determine the limits of tolerance to gamma radiation for 15 cultures of the following bacterial species both in culture media and in irradiation-sterilized seafoods (crab-meat, halibut and shrimp) inoculated with Salmonella (seven species), Shigella (three species), and one species each of Neisseria, Myco-bacterium, Esctrerichia, Proteus and Streptococcus. It was determined that the resistance dosages for the above mentioned bacterial species ranged from 2.0 x 10⁵ to 5.0 x 10⁵ rads. Salmonella schottmuelleri, Salmonella wichita, Salmonella typhosa and Escherichia coli were found to be the least sensitive to radiation, and therefore required the highest dosage. Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella paradysenteriae and Proteus vulgaris, which were most sensitive, required the lowest dosage. The cultures required dosages, in varying degree, between forementioned. It was found that radiation dosage for each of the bacterial species in culture media corresponded to that in seafoods upon irradiation. Attempts were made to use vitarnin K₅ as a radiation sensitizing agent for effective food preservation. The reeults did not indicate any obvious sensitizing effect of vitamin K₅ on Salmonella typhosa.
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