Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The comparative efficiency of different types of dairy farm milk coolers

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  • The object of this study was to compare the efficiency of a Hydro-Vac cooler with that of a 29 x 16-1/2 inch tubular surface cooler, as well as with that of two other coolers (tub cooler and sprinkler cooler). The cooling efficiency of a Hydro-Vac cooler was slightly lower than that of a 29 x 16-1/2 inch tubular surface cooler. The cooling efficiency of a sprinkler cooler was found to be higher than that of a tub cooler, but the cooling efficiency of either one of these two coolers was considerably lower than that of a Hydro-Vac cooler. When a Hydro-Vac cooler and a tubular surface cooler were thoroughly cleaned and sterilized there was no difference of' practical significance in the bacterial contamination of the milk by these two coolers. The flavor and odor of milk cooled with a tubular surface cooler or with a Hydro-Vac cooler was on an average slightly superior to the flavor and odor of milk from the same lot which was cooled with a tub cooler or with a sprinkler cooler. No difference was observed in the volume of cream forming on milk from the same lot when the milk was cooled with a tubular surface cooler or with a Hydro-Vac cooler or when it was not cooled. Cooling the same milk with a tub cooler produced a slightly greater cream volume than cooling with a tubular surface cooler or with a Hydro-Vac cooler.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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