International Institute of Fisheries Economics Trade (IIFET) is an international group of economists, government managers, private industry members, and others interested in the exchange of research and information on marine resource issues.
IIFET was founded in 1982 to promote interaction and exchange between people from all countries and professional disciplines about marine resource economics and trade issues. Among the many interests of our members are fisheries and, marine resource economics, fisheries management, seafood trade and markets throughout the world, aquaculture economics, and fisheries development. Industry members, government and academic researchers and managers from over 60 countries benefit from membership in IIFET's network.
IIFET is a membership organization open to any interested individual. Members elect an Executive Committee of nine members, including a President and President-Elect, representing all of the world's fishing regions. The President, President-Elect and Executive Committee address policy issues, choose conference sites, and assist in organizing conferences. Day to day business is carried out by the IIFET Secretariat, hosted by Oregon State University's Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. These include publishing the IIFET Newsletter and IIFET Membership Directory, moderating the IIFET members-only electronic distribution list, maintaining the IIFET web site and membership database, facilitating communication and cooperation among members, assisting in conference organization and other administrative activities.