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336 336 Artículo
Last Updated: 2019-07-26

In 2000, the conference organizers experimented. In particular, they hypothesized that those who work as fishery economists can learn from creative people in other branches of economics and in other disciplines entirely, who may or may not have fisheries interests. In addition, the conference organizers made a serious effort to involve policy-makers and industry participants in the hope that they would share their insights and, in addition, provide a forum in which to test some of their ideas.

The papers presented at the conference reflected the multidisciplinary nature of the event, as well as the perspectives of researchers, industry members and policymakers. The complete list of presentations appears in the Conference Program. Unfortunately, not all presenters were able to share their papers with us. One reason for this is that versions of many of the papers were under consideration for publication in various journals and, for copyright reasons, the editors were unsuccessful in obtaining permission from those journals to include the papers in this document. There were a few exceptions, however, and the editors were grateful to those journals whose editors and publishers see the merits of encouraging the broad exchange of ideas via the “ gray : literature. IIFET, on the contrary, does not maintain exclusive copyright on papers resulting from IIFET 2000.

Suggested bibliographic reference:

Microbehavior and Macroresults: Proceedings of the Tenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 10-14, 2000, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. Compiled by Richard S. Johnston and Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET), Corvallis, 2001.

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