The Slices Framework is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the Willamette River floodplain. It makes use of distinct spatial units for tracking change in the floodplain.
The Slices Framework is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the Willamette River floodplain. It makes use of distinct spatial units for tracking change in the floodplain. The first of these units are 1 kilometer long slices drawn at right angles to the floodplain, first...
The SLICES framework is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the Willamette River floodplain. It makes use of distinct spatial units, called slices, for planning and tracking change in the floodplain. The first of these units are 1 kilometer long slices drawn at right angles...
The SLICES framework is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the Willamette River floodplain. It makes use of distinct spatial units, called slices, for planning and tracking change in the floodplain. The Conservation 2050 – Channel Complexity and Floodplain Forest Technical Report describes the source...
The SLICES framework is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the Willamette River floodplain. It makes use of distinct spatial units, called slices, for planning and tracking change in the floodplain. The Fish Communities ca. 2010 Technical Report describes the two associated attributes (field names:...
The SLICES framework is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the Willamette River floodplain. It makes use of distinct spatial units, called slices, for planning and tracking change in the floodplain. The Juvenile Spring Chinook Habitat ca. 2010 Technical Report describes the two associated attributes...
The SLICES framework is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the Willamette River floodplain. It makes use of distinct spatial units, called slices, for planning and tracking change in the floodplain. The Two-year Flood Inundation Technical Report identifies the source of the data and explains...
The SLICES framework is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the Willamette River floodplain. It makes use of distinct spatial units, called slices, for planning and tracking change in the floodplain. The Cold Water Refuges Technical Report explains the determination of cold water refuges, documents...
The SLICES framework is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the Willamette River floodplain. It makes use of distinct spatial units, called slices, for planning and tracking change in the floodplain. The Channel Complexity ca. 2010 Technical Report explains the components used in quantifying channel...
The SLICES framework is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the Willamette River floodplain. It makes use of distinct spatial units, called slices, for planning and tracking change in the floodplain. The Floodplain Forest ca. 2010 Technical Report identifies data sources, describes the data processing,...
The SLICES framework is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the Willamette River floodplain. It makes use of distinct spatial units, called slices, for planning and tracking change in the floodplain. The Percent Bank Forested ca. 2010 Technical Report identifies data sources, describes the data...