Cet article s'intéresse au système de commercialisation des produits halieutiques en Guinée, La commercialisation des produits halieutiques fait actuellement l'objet d'une attention toute particulière des autorités guinéennes dans le cadre de la politique de développement du secteur des pèches. Le souci du gouvernement de disposer d'éléments d'analyse permettant de mener...
There is great concern at present that fish stocks are being depleted by over-fishing. Part of the problem of over-fishing is caused by the common property nature of the fishery resources. In particular, high seas fishery resources, such as highly migratory fish stocks (HMFS) and straddling fish stocks, suffer from...
The arrival in the 1980s of cultured shrimp has induced large changes on the World shrimp market. In this new environment, the French Guyana fishery production now competes strongly with some of these farm-produced shrimp. Consequently, this fishery has experienced serious export problems during the last decade. This paper is...
Certaines populations marines, de par leur capacité à réaliser des déplacements de grande envergure, marquent leur distribution spatiale d'une forte variabilité; Celle ci s'inscrit souvent dans un cycle saisonnier avec une reproductibilité interannuelle. Ces déplacements sont liés soit à une migration saisonnière entre plusieurs aires, soit à une concentration saisonnière...
Although widely accepted, management systems that directly restrict catch or effort are neither efficient nor desirable for many fisheries, and have failed to conserve fishery stocks in many cases. Fisheries scientists have suggested that closing part of the fishery with marine reserves may sustain or increase harvest. These marine reserves...
In considering fisheries regulation in the next decade, I make a concluding point that may become a major theme. This is that individual permanent catch quotas of a regulator-determined TAC are only a stage in the development of management from licensing to private rights (Scott 1989). The condition of open...