Several new herbicides were compared with those presently being used in Oregon to control weeds in snap beans, red beets and new plantings of strawberries. The results of these tests are summarized in tabular form.
The research reported here was a preliminary study to assess the nature and extent of herbicides leaving the target area in runoff water when these materials are used in container nurseries, and with less emphasis from nurseries growing field stock.
Specific objectives of this study were to:
1) Survey the...
In vivo spectral analysis of radish leaves sought effects on radish light harvesting apparatus (LH) of the herbicides: clomazone (FMC57020; [2-(2-chlorophenyl) methyl-4,4 dimethyl-3-isoxalidinone), diuron (DCMU; [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-l,ldimethylurea)] and amitrol (H-1,2,4-triazole-3-amine). All herbicides used cause visual symptoms of chlorosis or damage chloroplast membranes and thus disrupt LH structure. The spectra were obtained...
Field trials of weed control research on several vegetable crops are reported in this summary. Unless otherwise indicated these trials were conducted at the Vegetable Crops Research Farm at Corvallis. Soil type at this location is a silty clay loam and all plots were sprinkler irrigated as needed to provide...
A field trial was established at the Oregon State University Vegetable Research Farm, Corvallis, Oregon, to evaluate control of barnyardgrass and tolerance of several vegetable crops to diclofop-methyl (Hoelon) and a related experimental herbicide, HOE 23408 PLUS.
In early May of 1969 a corn screening trial was established on the East Farm Experiment Station near Corvallis. The purpose of the trial was to determine the effectiveness and safety of a series of experimental herbicides.
The following summaries of results from experimental work with herbicides in horticultural crops cover work completed in 1967. Crops included are bush snap beans, red beets, direct seeded broccoli, cucumber, summer squash, strawberries and nursery rhododendrons. In general, weather conditions were warmer and drier than usual during the 1967 growing...