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  • These four items document the 2010-2011 permitting process to stabilize the eastern edge of the Hatfield Marine Science Center property. During late 2006, erosion forced the closure of the HMSC public estuary trail. In March 2007, an erosion control project using a gravel beach or "dynamic revetment" resulted in the stabilization of approximately 200 linear feet of shoreline. This remains stable since that time. Erosion continued at a slower rate south the original project. In the winter of 2009-2010, weather conditions resulted in rapid erosion of up to 13 feet along approximately 500 feet of the shoreline. This erosion moved the shoreline to the edge of the HMSC nature trail in one location and with 25 feet of the 800,00 gallon seawater storage facility. TO address the erosion, the HMSC applied for a permit to extend the 'dynamic revetment'. The permit was granted with limitations. The permit application, public comments and final approval are included.
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